How auctions work on Voice
- Auctions last 24 hours after the first bid is placed and the reserve price (minimum bid set by seller) is met
- The auction will be won by the top bidder at the end of the timer.*
- Bids placed in the last 15 minutes will extend the auction timer to 15 minutes (ex. If a bid is placed with 3 minutes remaining, the timer will now have 15 minutes remaining)
- Bids must be at least 10% or $1000 higher than the previous bid, whichever is lower
- Selling NFTs via auction is currently limited to a specific group of creators before we roll out the feature to the entire Voice Community
How to bid on an auction
Bidding on auctions is easy on Voice. To ensure that creators are always paid for their work, we ask collectors to provide a proof of funds at the time of bid. After you enter your desired bid amount, you will be prompted to select a payment method. Voice currently supports credit card and USDC payments.
Bidding with Credit Card
- Voice allows payment with a valid credit card for bids below $2900
- Your credit card will automatically be charged for the full amount you bid plus a 3% convenience fee only if you win the auction**
Bidding with Voice Balance
- Voice allows payment using Voice Balance for bids of all amounts
- You must have enough credits in your Voice balance to support your bid (i.e. if you want to bid $100, you must have $100 available in your Voice balance). We recommend you pre-deposit credits into your account before the auction begins to ensure you are able to place your bid in time.
- Voice only accepts the cryptocurrency USD Coin to add credits at this time. USDC transfers are low cost and instant, and you can easily transfer funds from your wallet to your Voice Balance. We are working to make other credit methods available shortly. For more information on how to deposit credits into your Voice balance, read our guide here.
- Your bid amount will be temporarily placed on hold and unavailable for use within your Voice Balance once you submit the bid. If you win the auction, the bid amount will be automatically removed from your Voice Balance and applied to purchase the NFT. If you are outbid, then the hold on the bid amount within your Voice Balance will be released and will again be available for use. You can track the status of your available balance at
If you have any questions or run into any issues during the auction, please reach out to and our team will assist you in a timely manner.
* Until the expiration of the auction timer, the seller will have the option, at their discretion, to cancel the auction in its entirety. Voice may also cancel any auction-style sale at its sole discretion.
** In the event that a corresponding payment submitted by the highest bidder in an auction fails at the time that it is processed, the highest bidder will be given an opportunity within a limited time window to remit payment again. If the payment should fail once again, the payment and the auction will be canceled in their entirety. From that point thereafter, the seller will have the opportunity to create a new auction for the item.
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